
Media and Entertainment

The rapid emergence of new technologies, changing customer preferences, and the drive to reduce operational costs make the media and entertainment industry highly volatile. With devices and distribution formats changing continually, many media companies have been forced to invest heavily in new applications to support digital distribution, direct to consumer sales channels and back office applications such as rights management. Heavy investment in these new areas has created pressure to reduce typical IT costs such as application operations and maintenance-areas best addressed by Global's client-centric Global Engagement Model.

The media and entertainment business is going through a transformation. With the proliferation of smartphones, tablets, and HD TVs, consumers now expect to see movies, videos, sporting events, and live programming on all kind of devices, on the go, anytime, anywhere.

At the same time, competition is increasing all across the industry. Companies that deliver content are now producing it. Production companies are getting into delivery. And pure technology companies suddenly want to be distributors.

In this hyper competitive market, many media organizations, creative groups, production houses, distributors, broadcasters, and retailers are having trouble keeping pace. That’s where we can help. We offer a wide range of innovative services to help you stay productive and focused on your core business. As a global leader in communications with the world’s largest undersea fibre cable network and satellite uplink facilities, we can be your competitive edge.

Our comprehensive range of service offerings meet a variety of business requirements such as:

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